Mont Allen
Associate Professor - Classics and Art History, Classics Advisor

Office: Faner 3131
Phone: (618) 453-5403
Mont Allen is an art historian & archaeologist of the ancient Mediterranean world. With a bachelor’s degree in Geography (U.C. Berkeley), master’s degrees in the History of Religion (Syracuse Univ.) and European History (U.C. Berkeley), and a doctorate in Ancient Art History (U.C. Berkeley), his interests range widely, from Greek and Roman funerary sculpture, ancient sculptural tools and techniques, and Roman painting, to Greek mythology, Late Antique religions, intellectual history, and urban geography.
His research focuses on ancient Roman sarcophagi: those elaborately carved marble coffins, often sculpted with scenes from Greek mythology, in which leading Romans were buried. His book on the subject — titled The Death of Myth on Roman Sarcophagi: Allegory and Visual Narrative in the Late Empire — appeared with Cambridge University Press in 2022.
Winner of numerous teaching awards, he was named Outstanding Teacher of the Year by SIU’s College of Liberal Arts. He also won a highly competitive four-year grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities to create an inter-disciplinary program in Ancient Practices at SIU designed to lure STEM students into study of the ancient world.
He welcomes you to check out his website, post on his Facebook page (, or email him at