Santiago Gualapuro
Assistant Professor

Office: Faner 3040
Phone: 618-453-5445
Santiago Gualapuro is an Assistant Professor in Spanish Linguistics at SIU's School of Languages and Linguistics. He earned his Ph.D. in Hispanic Linguistics at The Ohio State University in 2023. He is an Otavalo Kichwa from Northern Ecuador. His primary research interests concern the sociolinguistics of indigenous-colonial language relationships in Ecuador, Kichwa-Spanish language contact and its effects in Kichwa, indigenous ideologies, writing systems, and language activism in indigenous languages.
Santiago's primary goal is to work in Kichwa's language revitalization alongside Kichwa activists in Ecuador. He is a founding member of the Kichwa Institute of Science, Technology, and Humanities (KISTH Foundation). Under KISTH, he has directed novel projects in Kichwa language revitalization. Under his leadership, KISTH conducted the first Kichwa Science Bee competition in partnership with International Competitions and NGOs based in the United States. At SIU, he is envisioning to build a center for studying indigenous languages in the Americas.
Gualapuro, Santiago. Loanword Vowel Production in Imbabura Kichwa Speech. International Journal of Bilingualism. (Submitted)
Andino et. al., 2023. Adaptation of the Periodic Table to Kichwa: An Ecuadorian Native Language. Journal of Chemical Education 99, 1, 211–218. (second author)
Gualapuro et. al. 2018. Kichwa English Shimiyuk Kamu / Dictionary. Universidad San Francisco de Quito -USFQ-Press. Quito Ecuador