Specialization in German
The German Specialization is a versatile program offering a range of courses on German-speaking culture from its origins to the present-day. In addition to classes covering topics such as literature, film, theater, contemporary culture, and business German, students are also encouraged to study abroad. The program can be customized to compliment a student's interests in various fields of study.
A major in Languages, Cultures, and International Studies with a Specialization in German requires 32 semester hours in courses above the 100-level. The B.A. program meets the objectives of students preparing for employment in language-centered careers or in non-language areas where language proficiency is a supporting factor. Government agencies and businesses with international dealings employ great numbers of individuals, including scientists, engineers, librarians, and social workers, whose primary skills are basically non-linguistic, but who can enhance their employment and career possibilities with appropriate training in foreign languages and cultures. Our B.A. program readily accommodates a second major in such fields.
For requirements, start with our German Specialization Check Sheet.
German students may also pursue a B.A. (via the College of Liberal Arts) or a B.S. (via the College of Education) in German with K-12 teaching licensure in Illinois. This program essentially consists of a German major (to include our teaching methods course, FL 436), a suite of courses from the College of Education and Human Services, and student teaching. For fuller details on that program, see the Teacher Education Program website.
For TEP requirements, start with our German TEP Check Sheet.
Other German programs
A minor in German consists of 17 credit hours in courses above the 100 level. For minor requirements, start with our German Minor Check Sheet.
Other options for German students are provided in Foreign Language and International Trade (FLIT) and our International Studies Program. Both can be pursued on their own or added as second majors to the German program.
The Brandenburg Gate, Berlin