Awards and Scholarships
Thanks to the generosity of our donors, we were able to award more than $125,000 in scholarships to students majoring in our programs during the 2021-2022 academic year.
Our most impressive scholarship for incoming students is the Liedloff Scholarship in German. But all incoming and continuing students majoring in one of our programs are eligible for scholarship support. We are particularly eager to support study abroad with scholarship funds.
The best way to apply for most of our scholarships (and all the other scholarships offered by SIU) is to go to the university’s central site for scholarships. Filling out that application will connect you to a range of scholarships across campus.
If you have questions about any of these scholarships, please reach out to sll@siu.edu.
Scholarships Available
- Alan H. Kim Japanese Scholarship (Current Japanese specialization)
- Mary Eleanor Buschek Foreign Language Award (Preference is given to incoming freshmen, incoming transfer students, and first year students)
- Mary Eleanor Buschek Travel Award for Foreign Language Study (Current students)
- Classics Laureate Award (Classics graduate; no application)
- Helmut and Mary Liedloff Award for German Majors (This award is available to incoming freshman and community college transfer students. Currently enrolled SIU students may be eligible for the award; subject to availability.) Full Tuition for up to three years. Recent Recipients
- Wilma Hughes Ochs Classics Scholarship (Incoming and current Classics specialization)
- Marie-Jose Southworth Award for Achievement in Foreign Languages and Literatures (Current students)
- Eugene F. Timpe Award for FLIT Internships (Current FLIT students)