Programs and Elective Courses
College Interdisciplinary Minors
American Studies Minor
Course requirements: 15 credit hours.
The American Studies minor provides undergraduates with the opportunity to study American culture with faculty from a variety of disciplines. The goal is for students to gain an enhanced understanding of the complexity and richness of the social, political, aesthetic and economic structures that inform American life. Simultaneously, the minor exposes students to interdisciplinary approaches to the study of American society.
The minor consists of a minimum of 15 hours: 3 hours (1 class) in an introductory course in American Studies; 6 hours (2 classes) in breadth courses from the University Core Curriculum; and 6 hours (2 classes) in one of the four primary American Studies focus areas. Through coursework in American Studies, students prepare themselves for careers in a variety of fields requiring critical thinking and writing, from teaching to law, health, business and government. The requirements for the American Studies minor are listed below.
I. Core course for the minor:
All students taking the American Studies minor must complete "Introduction to American Studies," which is cross listed in History and English:
- HIST 212, or
- ENGL 212
II. Breadth Courses:
Students must take two of the following courses (6 hours):
- AFR 209
- AFR 215
- ANTH 202
- ENGL 205
- HIST 210
- PHIL 211
- PHIL 210
III. Specialization Courses:
Students must take two courses (6 hours) from one of the below "focus areas":
1. American Cultural Studies:
- AFR 311A
- AFR 311B
- AFR 449
- ANTH 204
- ANTH 302
- ANTH 416
- ANTH 424
- CCJ 203
- HIST 335
- HIST 354
- HIST 355
- HIST 357
- HIST 362A
- HIST 362B
- HIST 364
- HIST 365
- LING 416
- MCMA 449
- POLS 215
- POLS 314I
- POLS 332I
- POLS 370
2. Political Philosophy:
- CCJ 474
- HIST 355
- HIST 455
- PHIL 486
- PHIL 487
- POLS 332
3. Art and Literature in the U.S.:
- AD 227
- AD 267
- AD 307I
- AD 317I
- AD 428
- AFR 350
- AFR 355A
- AFR 355B
- AFR 357
- AFR 375
- ENGL 205
- ENGL 206A
- ENGL 225
- ENGL 307I
- ENGL 325
- ENGL 355A
- ENGL 355B
- MC 204
- MUS 303I
- THEA 454
- THEA 460
4. Local History/Public History:
- ANTH 201
- ANTH 310K
- ANTH 450A
- ANTH 450B
- GEOG 303I
- HIST 367
- HIST 496
- HIST 498
- POLS 213
- POLS 214
Native American Studies Minor
The Native American Studies minor is interdisciplinary, designed to provide undergraduates with an enhanced understanding of the culture, history, language, literature, and arts of Native Peoples of the Americas. The minor consists of a minimum of 18 hours that are to be selected from the university’s offerings on these topics and organized to reflect each individual student’s interests. Through coursework in Native American Studies, students may prepare themselves for careers in teaching, government, the media, health care, business, law, and the arts, among others. The requirements for Native American Studies minor are listed below.
Successful completion of the Native American Studies minor consists of satisfying all course requirements.
Associated Faculty
Gray H. Whaley* (History) - Faner Hall Rm 3374
* Native American Studies Advisor & Contact person
Course Requirements
Course Requirements: 18 credit hours, including 6 hours of required core courses and 12 hours of electives, of which 3 hours may be selected from a special interest or related course; for example, Africana Studies.
Required Core Courses:
One of:
- ANTH 310E/470E: Introduction to Peoples and Cultures of South America
- ANTH 310I/470: Introduction to Peoples and Cultures of Mesoamerica
- ANTH 310J/470J: Introduction to Peoples and Cultures of the Andes
- ANTH 310K/470K: Introduction to Peoples and Cultures of the Native Southwest
- HIST 366: American Indian History
Electives can be chosen from the following (note that some have prerequisites or restrictions):
Anthropology (ANTH)
- 201 Archaeology of Illinois
- 205 Latin American Civilization
- 206 Latin American Popular Culture
- 302 Indians of the Americas
- 310e/470e Introduction to Peoples and Cultures of South America
- 310i/470i Introduction to Peoples and Cultures of Mesoamerica
- 310j/470j Introduction to Peoples and Cultures of the Andes
- 310k/470k Introduction to Peoples and Cultures of the Native Southwest
- 328a/428a Indigenous Languages of the Americas: North America
- 328b/428b Indigenous Languages of the Americas: Mesoamerica
- 328c/428c Indigenous Languages of the Americas: South America
- 420 Mayan Texts
- 424 Native American Verbal Art
- 430A Archaeology of North America
- 430B Archaeology of Mesoamerica
- 430E Archaeology of the Eastern Woodlands
- 430F Archaeology of South America
- 317I Contemporary Native American Art
- 428 Native North American Art
- 468 Pre-Columbian Art
- 332 Folktales and Mythology
- 361 Race and History in the United States
- 403 American Indians and U.S. Empire
- 215 Race and Ethnic Relations in the United States
Peace Studies Minor
The Peace Studies minor is interdisciplinary, designed to provide undergraduates with a better understanding of the causes of war and violence, the history of war and peace, and alternatives to violence in thought and practice. The minor consists of a minimum of 18 hours that are to be selected from the university’s offerings on these topics and organized to reflect each individual student’s interests. Through coursework in Peace Studies, students may prepare themselves for careers in teaching, government, media, law, non-profit organizations and NGOs, and the arts, among others. The requirements for the Peace Studies minor are listed below.
For more information, contact: Satoshi Toyosaki, Coordinator
Peace Studies Minor
Successful completion of the Peace Studies minor consists of satisfying all course requirements.
Course Requirements
18 credit hours, including 6 hours of required core courses and 12 hours of electives. The 18 hours must be spread over at least three different departments.
Required core courses
History 358i or Cinema and Photography 358i - Introduction to Peace Studies
Philosophy 309i: Philosophy of Peace, Law, and Justice
Electives are to be chosen from the following list. Other courses may substitute, but only with the express approval of a member of the Peace Studies faculty advisory committee.
Anthropology (ANTH)
- 330 Biological Foundations of Human Behavior
- 370 Anthropology and Contemporary Human Problems
- 410A Practicing Anthropology
- 410E Anthropology of Law
- 410O Colonialism and Post-colonialism
Africana Studies (AFR) (formerly Black American Studies)
- 209 Critical Issues in the Black American Experience
- 332I Introduction to Civil Liberties and Civil Rights
- 360 Race and History in the U.S. (same as HIST 361)
- 416 Black Feminist Thought as Theory and Praxis (CMST 416)
- 447 Communicating Race and Ethnicity
- 472 Psychology of Race and Racism
- 497 The U.S. Civil Rights Movement
Cinema and Photography (CP)
- 469 Queer Visual Culture
Communication Studies (CMST)
- 301I Intercultural Communication
- 341 Introduction to Intercultural Communication
- 412 Environmental Rhetoric
- 448 Intercultural Training
- 463 Interpersonal Conflict
- 464 Compassionate Communication
- 490C Global Peace Studies in Japan
Criminology & Criminal Justice (CCJ)
- 203 Race, Class & Gender
- 492 Special Topics: Genocide and Mass Atrocity
East Asian Studies (EA)
- 370A Global Peace Studies in Japan
English (ENGL)
- 493 Rebels, Slaves, Monsters, and Human Rights: From Oroonoko to Game of Thrones
Geography (GEOG)
- 304 Geography of Globalization
History (HIST)
- 335 Peace and War in the 20th Century
- 340 International History of the Cold War
- 355 Radical View of American History
- 361 Race and History in the U.S. (same as AFR 360)
- 456 The U.S. in the 1960s
- 457 American Environmental History
- 493 Civil Rights Movement
- 496 Internship
Linguistics (LING)
- 320 Language, Gender and Power
Philosophy (PHIL)
- 210 The American Mind
- 375 Ecology and Ethics
- 405 Democratic Theory
- 433-001 Post-Colonialism
- 441 Philosophy of Toleration
Political Science (POLS)
- 324 Politics and Environmental Policy
- 332 Introduction to Civil Liberties and Civil Rights
- 370 Terrorism and Counter-terrorism
- 375 War and Force in World Politics
- 405 Democratic Theory
- 490 Philosophy of Toleration
- International Human Rights
Sociology (SOC)
- 424 Social Movements and Collective Behavior
- 435 Social Inequality
- 437 Sociology of Globalization and Development
- 438 Sociology and Ethnic Relations in World Perspective
- 455 Racial Inequality
Spanish (SPAN)
- 401/501 Third Cinema and Latin American Documentary
University Honors
- UHON 351 Global Peace Studies in Japan
Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies (WGSS)
- 300 Feminist Theory
- 320i Language, Gender and Power (same as LING 320i)
- 401 Contemporary Feminism
Mass Communication and Media Arts:
- RTD 492-002/MCMA 555-002 Special Topics: Militarization and Media
- RTD 489/MCMA 497 Gender, Media and Militarization
- CP 270-470A: Topics in Cinema & Photography: Marxism and the Visual Arts and Performance: History - Theory, Twentieth Century to Present
- CP 470 A Neoliberalism and the Politics of Culture
- CP 463/MCMA 552 History of Experimental Film: topic Race, Class, Gender and Experiments in Media
- CP 470B/MCMA 543 Film Production Topic: Art and Activism: a creative revolution
Special Topics and Elective Course Options:
Interested in a Special Topics course, or an elective course for your major? See the various courses below that are offered by CoLA Programs in Summer 2025 and Fall 2025. For more course options, please view the Schedule of Classes.
ASL 370: Deaf Culture
Online, Asynchronous: June 9-August 3
Katie Moore
(UCC) This course is designed to introduce students to American Sign Language (ASL) literatue and the history of Deaf culture. Information about the Deaf community, Deaf culture and history, ASL literature, including sign poetry and storytelling, folklore, and Deaf Theater will be covered. No prior knowledge of sign language required.
ASL 375: History of Sign Languages
Online, Asynchronous: June 9-August 3
Katie Moore
(UCC) This course explores the history of sign language in the Western world, and the marginalization of the American Deaf community. Emphasis is placed upon the presences of sign language in Deaf education, and the sociolinguistic culture of Deaf communities. No prior knowledge of sign language required.
CMST 493: Video Games: Art, Culture, and History
Online, Asynchronous: July 7-August 3
Justin Young
From the Lincoln White House to nuclear research facilities, from pinball to virtual reality- take a journey through the history of video games and along the way examine how novelty machines grew into the largest media industry in the world. Delve into what makes the medium a unique art from aesthetic, storytelling, and production perspectives. From Qbert to Halo, from Super Mario to Elden Ring.
LING 410/PHIL 410: Philosophy of Language
Online, Asynchronous: June 9-August 3
Dr. Jeff Punske
Explore the foundations of meaning: Dive into the nature of language, how we communicate, and what it means to "understand" words and sentences. Tackle fundamental questions like "What is meaning?", "How do words refer to the world?", and "Can language shape thought?". Learn from the Greats: Study influential philosophers like Plato, Russell, Frege, and Chomsky. Discover their groundbreaking ideas about language.
SOC/WGSS 223: Intro to Gender and Society
Online, Asynchronous: May 12-June 8
Dr. Rachel Whaley
Did you ever wonder if men and women are as different as the media suggests? Or why the media says women earn less than men? Or why we say, ‘woman doctor’ and ‘male nurse’? Did you know that many aspects of your life are a result of the ideas that society has about men and women? Did you know that the gender system shapes the lives of boys/men and not just girls/women?
FALL 2025
ANTH 261: Issues in Popular Anthropology: Archaeology of Enslaved LivesT/Th 11:00am-12:15pm
Dr. Matt Greer
The trans-Atlantic slave trade brought millions of Africans to the Americas, where they and their descendants were enslaved for centuries. This class uses archaeology to explore the lives of enslaved people throughout the ANAmericas—from the plantations of Virginia and New York to the streets of Rio de Janeiro, and even here in southern Illinois—and addresses topics such as the ways Black people retained cultural practices from Africa while carving out spaces for themselves in the Americas.
ANTH 410R: Anthropology of Science and Technology
Online, Asynchronous
Dr. Chris Stantis
In this course, you'll learn the steps of working with anthropological data digitally, as well as working with digital data in anthropology (two distinct things). You'll learn about many of the tools and skills anthropologists use to collect, manipulate, analyze, and present information, and gain introductory experience with these tools. Topic Highlights: Managing Your Findings, common tools of digital, anthropology, creating compelling, anthropology.
ANTH 485: Migrant and Refugee Experiences
T/Th 9:35am-10:50am
Dr. David Sutton
This course considers the experience of migrants and refugees, the many myths as well as dreams and realities that are constituted in the decision to move from “home” to some new place. While considering transnational migration through an anthropological lens, the course will focus in particular on experiences of migrants in the United States (both historical and contemporary) and the European Union—with a specific focus on memories, dreams (waking and sleeping) and the cultural changes and adjustments that are part of the process of migration as seen through food, illness, gift-giving and remittances, and other practical and symbolic aspects of migration. We will explore these topics through the lens of ethnography.
CMST 493-001: Communication and Scripted Podcasting
T/Th 5:00pm-6:15pm
Dr. Jonathan Gray
This course will explore a particular set of practices in the modern podcasting world—the scripted podcast. By scripted podcast, I mean to distinguish this format from the more common talk show, conversation-driven, interview, extemporaneous, or streamof-consciousness podcast. This course is built on the assumption that the technology for creating and disseminating such work is readily available and increasingly in our own back pockets. In this way, communication practitioners bring their own “making do” spirit to the work of crafting and creating prepared podcasts.
CMST 493-002: Intercultural Communication: A Peace Building Perspective
T/Th 2:00pm-3:15pm
Dr. Nilanjana Bardhan
Peace seems elusive in our increasingly connected and conflict-ridden world. Therefore, it is even more essential to pursue peace when differences are being politicized to create chasms and wars rather than mutual understanding and respect. This special topics course will focus on how the ways in which we communicate and represent can help build peaceful communities and communication across cultural and ideological differences. Using a peace building framework, it will delve into how culture permeates and influences our everyday lives and shapes the dynamics of our friendships, family relationships, classroom and workplace environments, and media perceptions when we encounter and engage people and cultures different from our own in domestic and transnational contexts.