Honors & Awards
Anthropology faculty and graduate students have a distinguished record of research, publication, and teaching that is recognized by numerous awards at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. Anthropology is a campus leader in the number of Outstanding Dissertation Awardees, and a number of our graduate students have been recognized as outstanding Graduate Assistants in the Core Curriculum. We are very proud of these awardees.
- Outstanding Dissertation & Thesis Awards
- Outstanding Graduate Assistant in the Core Curriculum
- Rice Graduate Research Paper Award
The high quality of our graduate program is also reflected in the University awards earned by our students. One doctoral graduate in the University is given the SIU Carbondale Richard and Donna Falvo Outstanding Dissertation Award and one the Outstanding Thesis Award each year. The winners from Anthropology are:
Gauri Pitale, 2018, Outstanding Dissertation Award
Lindsey G. Roberts, 2014, Outstanding MA Thesis Award
Phillip Wanyerka, 2010, Outstanding Dissertation Award
Elliott Forsythe, 2008, (Honorable Mention), Outstanding MA Thesis Award
David Goldstein, 2008, Outstanding Dissertation Award
Jacqueline Prime, 2006, (Honorable Mention), Outstanding MA Thesis Award
Matthew A. Tornow, 2005, Outstanding Dissertation Award
Kevin Schwartz, 2004, (Honorable Mention), Outstanding Dissertation Award
Ron Rich, 2003, (Honorable Mention), Outstanding Dissertation Award
Haagen Klaus, 2002, Outstanding MA Thesis Award
Keith Prufer, 2002, Outstanding Dissertation Award
Timothy Pugh, 2001, Outstanding Dissertation Award
Penelope McLorg, 2000, Outstanding Dissertation Award
Warren Anderson, 1997, Outstanding Dissertation Award
Liming Zhou, 1996, Outstanding Dissertation Award
Bruce Masse, 1989, Outstanding Dissertation Award
One graduate assistant in the University is awarded the Outstanding Graduate Assistant in the University Core Curriculum each year, an award given over the last decade. The winners from Anthropology, all outstanding instructors, include:
Daniel Bauer, 2007
Christopher "Chip" Perkins, 2005
Michael Hernandez, 2004
William Duncan, 2002
Rosie Crow, a master’s student studying Native American cultures of the eastern U.S., was the 2013 winner of the Rice Graduate Research Award.
Rosie’s paper “Catawba Clay: Using Geochemical Methods to Access Identity” compared clay exploitation patterns of pre- and post-Revolutionary War period Catawba Indian potters living in South Carolina.
Nate Meissner and Katie South, both doctoral students studying Mesoamerican archaeology, were the winners of the 2010 Rice Graduate Research Award.
Their paper, “Figurines of the Formative Mixtec: Ritual Politics and the Body,” investigates the embodiment of fired-clay figurines from the Formative Mixtec site of Tayata, Mexico.
Juan Rodriguez, a doctoral student from Venezuela, was the 2009 winner of the Rice Graduate Research Award.
Juan’s essay, “Greetings, Feelingful Connections and Political Meetings in the Orinoco Delta,” explores the nature of communication during political meetings surrounding elections among the indigenous populations of the Orinoco Delta region of Venezuela. Juan completed his dissertation on this topic.