Graduate Studies
Linguistics offers programs leading to the Master of Arts degree in Linguistics and the Master of Arts degree in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL). A sequence of courses is also available for students wishing to pursue a double major combining TESOL with other programs at the master's level.
The MA program in Linguistics
is designed to give students broad training in most aspects of contemporary linguistics, including historical linguistics, phonology, pidgins and creoles, psycholinguistics, second language acquisition, sociolinguistics, and syntax. Students pursue the study of one area in depth through further coursework and thesis research. Graduates of the linguistics program frequently go on to more advanced study and research in linguistics leading to the Ph.D. degree.
The MA program in TESOL
is designed primarily for students who wish to pursue careers in the teaching of English to speakers of other languages in the United States or abroad. The program combines theory and practice. In addition to core courses in linguistics, students in the TESOL program are required to take courses in the theory and methods of language teaching and to teach in a supervised practicum. Graduates of the TESOL program can go on to advanced study of language learning and teaching or related fields.
The Double Major
combines the core requirements of both the MA in Linguistics and the MA in TESOL. This program includes a 6-hour thesis and it is becoming an increasingly popular option!
For students who are interested in language study but are not committed to either graduate major, the Linguistics program offers a number of interesting, non-specialist courses which may serve as electives in degree programs such as those offered by: