Our main laboratory (Integrative Neuroscience Laboratory) holds the rooms and tools necessary to complete this project including equipment for mock scanner practice, processing, screening, monitoring, and the collection/storage of biological samples. The MRI scanner is located one mile from our primary laboratory, at the Memorial Hospital of Carbondale.
A. MRI Scanner
Brain images are obtained using a Siemens Skyra 3T scanner at the Memorial Hospital of Carbondale using standard protocols that have been developed by Siemens and routinely used Co-Investigator Rose and SIUC Department of Pyschology colleagues. Siemens has a contract with the hospital for quality control and technical support, including MRI work being collected with the scanner. The scanning facilities include a Hyperion fMRI Digital Projection System featuring a native resolution of 1920 x 1080 (1080p) and synchronized image frame rate with continuous monitoring for optimum presentation and timing of fMRI experiments. This fMRI projection system is integrated with E-Prime stimulus presentation programs and MRI-compatible response keys.
B. Mock MRI Scanner
A mock MRI scanner, with a mock head coil, head stabilization materials, and MRI sounds is located in the PI's main laboratory. It also includes a mirror for subjects to view stimuli during MRI practice scans. The mock scanner has been successfully used in previous MRI and fMRI studies as a means of reducing anxiety and minimizing head movements during subsequent hospital scans.
C. EEG Collection
We have three EEG sound-attenuated chambers which will be available for this project. One area uses the Neuroscan® 128-channel Synamps2 system with Stim®, SuperLab® and PST Eprime software and response recording hardware and software for EEG/ERP collection and two other chambers use EGI EEG System 300 amps, SuperLab®, Eprime®, 4 Windows-based PCs, 4 Macs, and 128-channel EGI EEG nets.
D. Photogrammetry
The lab uses the EGI Geodesic Photogrammetry System (GPS) prior to all EEG experimental collection. This system determines the location of the EEG sensors on the scalp by using 11 cameras mounted in a geodesic array to photograph sensors on the participant's head, allowing the simultaneous recording of all sensor positions. It is not susceptible to electromagnetic interference, and therefore provides reliable data even in electrically noisy environments. SIUC Research and Graduate Programs partnered with the College of Liberal Arts and the Department of Psychology to procure this instrument for our laboratory.
E. Quantified Smoking Delivery System
The "QSDS" is a motorized apparatus that delivers fixed doses of nicotine in a standardized and quantified manner. The machine draws 35ml puffs of smoke from a cigarette inserted in the QSDS into a syringe (a procedure that takes 2 seconds), and then delivers the puff to the participant who then inhales the quantified amount of smoke as it is injected through a solenoid T-valve attached to a disposable straw mouthpiece. (QSDS: Gilbert, 1989; Gilbert & Meliska; 1991; Meliska & Gilbert, 1991; Gilbert, 1992; Gilbert, 1997)
F. Data Processing
Five EEG data processing areas are quipped with 10 PCs and 5 Macs loaded with needed software such as Microsoft Office®, SPSS®, SAS®, MatLab®, EEGLab®, HML®, GeoSource®, BESA®, Faster®, and LORETA. Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience Institute for Neural Computation is collaborating with the lab to apply new analytic methods to EEG and multimodality cognitive neuroscience imaging modeling with the distributed human brain dynamics underlying brain cognitive capacities including attention, memory, decision-making, emotion, social interaction and creativity including musical expression. 1 additional Mac is updated to ensure timely processing.
G. Screening
There are three screening rooms set up with PCs linked to a secure server, blood pressure monitors, three CO monitors (Vitalograph®), standard Healthometer® scales and comfortable participant seating.
H. Participant Monitoring
Five monitoring rooms are equipped with PCs linked to a secure server, video cameras set only to monitoring participants.
I. Computerized Eye-Tracking
Another data collection area consists of six rooms equipped with Arrington ViewPoint® eye-tracking goggles, SuperLab®, Eprime®, and Microsoft® Office products, PCs and monitoring systems.
J. Collection and storage of biological samples
Our biological sample and data archival rooms contain with two -80 C freezers, one -10 C freezer, a refrigerated centrifuge, a refrigerator and two bolted fireproof safes.
K. Security
All the labs are under restricted access security protecting equipment and confidentiality.