News & Events
Welcome to the department's news section, a place where we highlight upcoming, current, and past events.
Under Upcoming Courses, you will find faculty flyers featuring courses that may be of interest to you. Information about the course is provided along with contact information in case you want to learn more before deciding to give it a try. This section also features some of our past courses that we have offered or continue to offer on a regular basis. These courses may be a welcome addition to your semester schedule. Check it out.
In addition to the innovative courses we offer, we are awfully proud of our students. Our students have many stories to tell us about how they got here, what they are doing, and what they plan to do when they graduate from LCIS at SIUC. Their stories are featured in "Student Stories." You'll find a brief introduction to the story on the home page along with a photo. The rest of the story will be told in this section. See what our students have to say and marvel at what they have accomplished in such a short time.
Another place full of news, announcements, accomplishments, and cultural, historical, and recent events is our Facebook Page. Alumni, faculty and students interact with the department to share news of their own and to see what the department is up to. You'll find interesting posts and comments about the events the department has sponsored or will be sponsoring as well as discussion about just about anything dealing with foreign language teaching and learning. We'd love for you to be our friend, contribute, and see where the department is heading as we constantly strive to improve the foreign language experience.
Every year, the department goes all out for Foreign Language Day. It's our biggest event. Over 1300 area high school language students converge upon the Student Center to participate in Scholar Bowl and cultural events. Current and past news of language days are featured in this section. Our faculty, graduate assistants, and past and current students work hard to make this day full of fun and learning.
In addition to Foreign Language Day, the department has presentations and talks given by faculty and guests from our department, other departments, and other universities.